Ashok ji is an Indian Tantric, hailing from Haridwar, born in the family of brahman,up India, Ashok Ji is practicing tantra from past 20 years by
the time Ashok reached age of 25, he had acquired great knowledge, expertise and siddhi. He became a master fortune teller Ashok ji has a lot of
knowledge in this field, because they are well known for their intelligence towards their procedures .From many years he is moving forward in
this field. He knows every tantric rituals which can be help to people to save their life. He can solve their problems in a very proficient manner. is
a widely well-known tantra mantra specialist, who will defeat anyone who wants to harm you and help you in fulfilling your desires by using his
knowledge of Black magic tantra mantra and reverse any evil spell used to harm you.
Ashok Ji's motive in life is to fulfill the unmet desires and wishes of disturbed wandering souls and help these souls to take rebirth and to bring
happiness and affection in people life and keep away all kind of conflicts, hassles and worries, this is the only reason dedicated whole life for
peoples happiness.
Ashok Ji has done 151 siddhis which has been vanished in this kalyug. In this Kalyug it is very difficult for any human to learn these many
siddhis but people who have great powers can attain these many siddhis.
Ashok ji goes on learning new sadhana there is no end to these and reveals it to public once siddhi is attained encourages others to learn sadhana
to make their own life a stress free life as well as for others.
Ashok is well known public personality in world of tantra to solve the love problems and many other dreadful tactics against you by his popular
successful techniques and considers the client and their problem as our first priority.
He works with true dedication any ways to make the entire situation your side.
He wants that popularity of Indian tantra and amazing successful services of it should spread all over the world and in this order to make this
dream true he is providing his online services with his ancient treaties that make this world beautiful for you. Ancient tantra vidhya is powerful as
this is basic concept of all the problem solving Indian mythologies and scriptures. He is the right path for you to change your career, profession
and any other family dispute towards the positive side and removes all the disappointment from your life forever.
Online services:
Tantric vidya is all about tantra and mantra, a person can do anything just with the help of those tantra and mantra. Online tantric Ashok ji expert
in the tantra vidya, although it is really very tough to become the expert in the tantra vidya but he has done practice and has very good knowledge
of the vashikaran and black magic which are two most powerful magic. Ashok Ji provides Tantric vidya online to his students as well as
Black magic has been used for centuries by people in our country to achieve their objectives, cause harm or loss to any person. It is based
on magic spells, tantra mantra, and obscure rituals which are effective from anywhere across the world.
Black magic Ashok Ji is specialist of mohini, uchattan,vashikaran, vidhveshan
Among his other activities, Ashok ji is known for delivering speeches on you tube tubes blog, face book about sadhana / siddhi
People do wander here and there for the solution of their problems but now they do not have to worry anymore just go online tantric baba ji blog.
People those who are frustrated in their interpersonal relationships, love life, career, business and other problems can take the help of him to sort
out their all problems. If they are unable to get any solution then they can also send their query to the baba ji so that he can telephonically give
right solution for your problems. He always listens to the problem of his clients very carefully and always used to give the solution according to
their problems.
A lot of people are using it even in this modern era to achieve what they desire in life. Black magic spells can cause irreparable harm, even death,
if the spell is not removed at the right time.
His services are known not only in India, but also in many foreign countries. He has a solution for every human problem. Every day, many people
bring smiles to their faces because of them. Therefore, whenever you faced difficulties or have difficulties, consult with him to solve the problem.
His guidance and help are very useful. Make your life full of happiness.
Many worldwide clients are thankful to him to bring sudden positive changes in life of them. This well-known popularity of him is a hope for
unhappy people who have lost hope. He is the person with scope to bring some hope in people's life.
He has great command on an tantric vidya, this is the reason that numerous devotees around the world have become, taken avail of effective and
great services and satisfied from his service as well.
There are no one people who are deprived of the negative energies and crisis, means all people have some issues, might be all have different to
each other, it does happen with all, Although, it different thing that some of the people can easily overcome of issues, and rest of aren’t.
But you know what, once a while, issues occur in people life cause of malefic planets or negative energies, this is the reason, and people can’t
overcome of issues, along with that people can’t go anywhere to consult with a specialist. If you are in such a complicated situation, your life isn’t
going on as you want just because of having hidden energies then now you don’t need to have worries anymore because here is our specialist, he
provide Online problem solution. So not matter in which corner of the world you are located, he will make you help online. So let’s make a single
phone call to him and get a solution of all problems, which is going on with you with fruitful results.
The human being life has affected a cause of much reason, cause of that their life goes through some rock road, from that issues, evil spirit and
malefic planets are also responsible for that. To get overcome of such kind of issues Tantrik Baba makes help of living beings to get overcome
of issues.
As a human being all people has many dreams about their future life, for this, they want to accomplish all things and want to live their life as they
visualize. Only rare of the couple can enjoy their lovely and wonderful life as they actually want it to be and rest of aren’t. It doesn’t mean that
those people who are not able to get success, who don’t want, of course all wants, but you know this difference occur because of having different-
different malefic position, negative energies and deficiency of destiny.
What is Sadhana Know it:
Sadhana is spiritual movement consciously systematized. Sadhana is the purpose for which we have come to this place.
Sadhana is a lifelong process. Every day, every hour, every minute, is an onward march. Obstacles are innumerable in this great voyage. But, so
long as you hold God as thy guide, there is nothing to worry about. You are sure to reach the other shore.
You must have interest and liking in your Sadhana. You must understand well the technique and benefits of Sadhana. You must select a Sadhana
that is suitable for you. You must have the ability and capacity to do Sadhana. Then alone you will have joy in do ing the Sadhana and full success
in it.
You are backed up at all times by a mighty power that works everywhere in the cosmos. Therefore you have nothing to fear. Take care of the
details in Sadhana. The major factor will take care of itself.
Some aspirants leave Sadhana after some time. They expect great fruits quickly. They expect many Siddhis within a short time. When they do not
get some, they give up the Sadhana. There are several ranges of consciousness between the ordinary human consciousness and the
supra-consciousness of Brahman. Different veils have to be torn down on the way; many lower centres have to be opened up; many hurdles have
to be crossed before the final goal is reached.
You have to plod on and scale many hills. You cannot climb the Everest in one jump. There is no jumping on the spiritual path.
Self-realization is not like a six-year post-graduate course. It is the result of intense protracted Sadhana.
There is no short-cut in the spiritual path. There is no royal road to the kingdom of immortal bliss. There is no half-measure in the divine path.
Strict, hard discipline is wanted. Then alone you can conquer Maya. Only then can you control the mind.
Saints and Yogins will never think that they have controlled the mind. Only the deluded Sadhaka will imagine he has controlled the mind and get
a terrible downfall. It is the very nature of life, mind, and Prakriti to be constantly in motion. When there is the idea in the mind that the highest
goal is yet to be achieved, you will always move towards it. If you imagine that you have got to the top, you will anyhow have to move, and that
movement will be downward. You will have a downfall. Aspire for higher realization till the breath ceases in the nostril.
Spiritual progress is slow, as the spiritual Sadhana is difficult and laborious. It is like the spiral. In the beginning, great striving is needed.
Gradually, the circle becomes smaller and smaller. So also, the striving becomes less and less. The aspirant gains spiritual strength slowly. He
marches faster and faster. Finally, he does not go by furlongs after furlongs. He proceeds by mile after mile. He gallops and gallops. Therefore, be
patient; be persevering; be steady.
Be circumspective. Ignore all these trivial things. Be steady with your practice. Never stop the practice till the final beatitude is reached. Never
cease Sadhana till you can constantly dwell in full Brahmic consciousness.
Do not let failures discourage you, but go on doing your best. Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures, as this will only fill your mind
with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in future. Be cautious. Just think of the causes which led to your failures and try to remove
them in future. Strengthen yourself with new vigour and virtues. Develop slowly your will-power.
Every temptation that is resisted, every evil thought that is curbed, every desire that is subdued, every bitter word that is withheld, every noble
aspiration that is encouraged, every sublime thought that is cultivated, adds to the development of will-force, good character, and attainment of
eternal bliss and immortality.
Every bit of Sadhana done is surely recorded without fail in your hidden consciousness. No Sadhana ever goes in vain. Every bit of it is credited
immediately towards your evolution. This is the law. Think not negative thoughts, but calmly go on with the Sadhana. Be regular at it. Without
missing a single day, proceed onward with your spiritual practices. Little by little, the power accumulates and it will grow. Ultimately, the
cumulative force of all the continuous earnest Sadhana done perseveringly and patiently over a long period of life has its inevitable grand
consummation at the supreme moment when it bears fruit in the form of blissful Realization.
Let the Sadhana be regular, continuous, unbroken, and earnest. Not only regularity, but also continuity in Sadhana and meditation is necessary if
you want to attain Self-realization quickly. A spiritual stream once set going does not dry up, unless the channel-bed is locked, unless there is
stagnation. Be vigilant eternally. Meditate regularly. Annihilate the under-current of Vasanas
Sometimes the aspirant gets stuck up. He cannot proceed further in his path. Sometimes he is side-tracked through Siddhis. He loses his way and
walks in some other direction. He misses the goal. Sometimes he is assailed by temptations and various oppositions. Sometimes he gets false
contentment. He thinks he has reached his goal and stops all Sadhana. Sometimes he is careless, lazy, indolent. He cannot do any Sadhana.
Therefore, be eternally vigilant, like the captain of a ship, like the surgeon in the operation theatre.
Act now. Live now. Know now. Realize now. Be happy now.
Every death is a reminder. Every bell that rings says, "The end is near". Every day robs off from you one part of your precious life. Therefore, you
should be very earnest in plunging yourself in constant Sadhana.
Never fall a victim to fruitless regret. Today is the best day. Today is the day of your new birth. Start Sadhana now. With folded palms, bid
good-bye to past mistakes and faults. You have learnt your lessons. March forward now with new hope, determination, and vigilance.
Waver not. Fear not. Doubt not. Do something substantial in the path of Sadhana instead of wasting your time in idle pursuits and lethargy. You
have infinite strength within you. There is a vast reservoir of power within you. Therefore, do not lose heart. Obstacles are stepping stones to
success. They will develop your will. Do not allow yourself to be crushed by them. Defects remind you of perfection. Sin reminds you of virtue.
Chose the positive path.
If you think, "I will take a bath when all the waves of the sea subside", this is not possible. The waves will never subside and you will never take
a bath. Even so, if you think, "I will start spiritual Sadhana or meditation when all my cares, worries and anxieties cease, when all my sons are
fixed up in life, when I have ample leisure after retirement", this is not possible. You will not be able to sit even for half an hour when you
become old. You will have no strength to do any rigorous Tapas when you are in advanced senility.
You must start vigorous spiritual practices when you are young, whatever your conditions, circumstances and environments may be. Then only
you will reap a rich spiritual harvest when you become old. You will enjoy the everlasting peace of the Eternal.
The science of siddhis, or psychic powers, has been known throughout the world for thousands of years, as long as tantra has existed. One can
derive these powers from the practice of particular techniques, or they can be gained through direct contact with the guru. When the guru blesses
the disciple by placing his hands on the disciple's head or back, then the transformation begins to take place.
When this transformation is going on within you, your vision expands into a new dimension. For example, you may be able to see someone
coming into the room who is not really physically present. This is not a ghost or some spirit entity; nor are you hallucinating. Rather, it is a
definite change in the physiology of the physical body and in the conscious body which enables you to have this experience.
It is the same as when you have a thought of your wife, a child who is abroad or sick, or a son who is yet to marry. Usually you can only imagine
them, but if your thoughts were to take gross, material form, and you could actually see your son sitting right beside you, how would you react?
Would you be able to bear this experience?
Because you cannot tolerate or understand it, you are unable to bear this type of experience. You have so much fear that you can easily make
yourself crazy. Fear brings imbalance to the mind and emotions, and when there is too much it may also bring some sickness to the body. But
these reactions are not substantial; they are just superficial experiences, like the thoughts which go on in your mind while you are sitting here
listening to me.
Many people come to us when they lose a member of the family that they love the most, whether it be father, mother, wife, daughter or son. They
ask us, 'Guruji, please let me see him just one more time.' We tell them, 'He is dead and gone; you must try not to think about him.' But they
continue to plead, 'Please, just once!' Then we ask them, 'If I let you see, will you be able to handle the experience?' They say, 'Yes'.
'Okay, then first do one thing. Tomorrow at midnight, go up to the burial ground and bring back a branch of some plant, a piece of mud or a stone.
You just do this much and then I will show you this experience.' But the very thought of doing this fills them with terrible fright.
You see, the mind and its promptings, urges and impulses, whether instinctive or man-made, are so strong that you have to learn how to bear
them. This is called siddhi. Developing your mental power, your emotional power, or even making your body healthy, these are all siddhis.
What you have heard about siddhis is not exact, and not the right concept. You have been given either too high a concept about siddhis or too low;
neither are right. 'Siddha' means to fulfil, to perfect, as when it is said in day to day life, 'You have to make your action siddha.' When you perfect
and complete something, that is siddhi.
Because this little technique, inhaling deeply and then producing the sound of Om with the breath, creates vibrations inside the body which
change the mental patterns of the brain. The brain has two hemispheres, and they are always generating energy which flows in particular
directions. If you breathe deeply and produce the sound of Om in a certain way, then the movement of this energy changes. This affects
everything happening in the body, right from the thoughts up to the secretions of the glands, If some secretions are deficient then they are
increased, and if they are in excess then they are decreased. Everything is balanced.
What happens on the emotional level is that any agitation, fatigue, fear or insecurity is calmed down and the thoughts become clear. Old, long
forgotten memories become fresh again, not the memories of death, violence or unpleasant things, but of those things which you would like to
remember. Of course, you don't wish to be reminded of your work, of somebody who has died, or of times when you have been insulted, hurt or
harmed. No, that is the wrong memory. But the pure memories come, keen and sharp. This is one of the small siddhis, not one of the great,
miraculous siddhis which you always hear about.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
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त्रिजटा अघोरणी साधना
शैतान वशीकरण साधना-यह साधना बहुत ही प्राचीन विद्या है, इस साधना के अंतर्गत साधक या साधिका को एक शक्तिशाली शैतानी जिन्नात सिद्ध होता है। इसक...

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